
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sometimes a word
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes a question
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes a condolence
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes a suggestion
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes a compliment
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes a commendation
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes a valedictory
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes an opinion
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes an argument
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes a promise
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes an excuse
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes an invitation
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes a confession
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes a cry
sometimes a silence.

Sometimes a prayer
sometimes a silence.

In praise of plants

Saturday, May 27, 2017

While much of this city enjoys the rush of the 500 weekend, I’m quite content to be near the silence of plants, right here on our small property.


On the far right, deutzia just starting to bloom. Next is Japanese blood grass.


A hodgepodge of succulents out front.


Ferns behind the garage.


The first of the lilies — a gift from Vern.


This time of year the man hole cover gets covered,


and the deck decked.


Lots of April and May rains make the back garden happy.


It all comes from the garden.

The next Homo chapter

Thursday, May 25, 2017

No, I am not referring to homosexuality. Rather, I am responding in brief to Yuval Noah Harari’s two books Homo Sapiens and Homo Deus.

Much, so very much might be said in a critical review of his work. I happen to be an admirer of his intellectual acumen and articulate expression; at this point in my own academic and critical thinking I’d be challenged to respond meaningfully at his level. I wish, however, to make two modest comments.


Harari’s first book Homo Sapiens; A Brief History of Humankind begins at the beginning, long before the Homo genus took shape. He then tells of the long era when the multiple species of the Homo genus roamed parts of the planet, surviving as hunter-gatherers. I was surprised, even shocked, when Harari called both The Agricultural Revolution and The Industrial Revolution sad turns of events, but I gradually came to understand his perception that Homo sapiens’ consequent “dominion” over all of creation led to degradation, destruction, extinction and ultimately the end of Homo sapiens. His words are harsh: Homo sapiens don’t have many worthy accomplishments for all of their efforts.


Currently in the United States and in other parts of the “developed” world, there is considerable anguish about the loss of jobs due to advancements in technology. It is not true that  Donald Trump or any other figure can change this way of working. In fact, according to Harari’s second book Homo Deus; A Brief History of Tomorrow, it won’t be long until just about everybody will be out of a job inasmuch as machines (what word shall be used to include all of non-human devices that are guided by artificial intelligence and equipped with the capacity to utilize algorithms?) will do “work” so much better and faster than humans can. Harari predicts that only a very select few will be employed. What, then, will humans do? How will they subsist? In what way will they be human? Will goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives?


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

This morning Annie graduated from kindergarten. She wore a white graduation cap.

Lucy, in the same ceremony, was given a citizenship award.

This week Ben left for a Duke University summer cross-cultural project in Guatemala.

Tomorrow Adrian heads for a camp in North Carolina where he will be on staff until his enrollment in Bennington College (Vermont) in September.

This coming Tuesday, Sam will graduate from Oakwood High School. In six weeks he will visit a family that hosted him during his sophomore year in France. Then he and Ben will visit a half dozen or so major cities in Europe. Sam will begin studies at Boston College in September.

Meanwhile Jordan is a violin maker in Utah.

How very nice to have such grandchildren.

Manchester et al

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

We grieve the loss of children, youth and young adults in Manchester, England.

Tonight’s TV newscast reported on the trauma there on the scene and gave good coverage to the support from people of good will from around the world.


The U.S. dropped an average of 72 bombs every day — the equivalent of three an hour — in 2016.  According to the New York City-based think tank, 26,171 bombs were dropped on Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during the year.  Children, youth and young adults were injured and killed in some of these military actions.  Who among us wept?




Sunday, May 21, 2017

Ian, the greenhouse guru, says there are more than 40,000 kinds of orchids. Surprised, I check The American Horticultural Society’s A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants. Under the term “orchid” in the index are 34 categories, one of which is Paphiopedilum callosum which looks like this one in the greenhouse.


It makes me think of an exquisite mosque somewhere in the out of reaches, immodestly showing forth the glories of earth and heaven.

A few facts about Paphiopedilum:

  • genus of about 60 species of evergreen, mainly terrestrial orchids.
  • found from India to China, S.E. Asia and Papua new Guinea
  • “Grow in terrestrial orchid potting mix, with added crushed bark and dolomite limestone chips, in pots that constrict the roots. In summer, provide high humidity and bright filtered light, water freely, and apply fertilizer at every third watering. Do not mist. In winter, provide slightly fuller light and water sparingly; do not allow the soil mi to dry out completely between waterings.”


Walking (31)

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Prior to 11 AM today, I walked these paths, all of which are within the city limits and in fact all are within the boundaries of Indianapolis Museum of Art.


The work lane to 100 Acres.


Central Canal Towpath


To the lake at 100 acres.


In the maize.


By the muddy White River


Around the lake.


Between the lake and the river.


Over tree roots.


To the Visitor’s Pavilion.


Up the ravine.


Across the bridge


Into the vegetable garden.


In the new parking lot garden.

These paths led to the greenhouse that has its own walkways.


Walking (30)

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

On a six-miler yesterday I called my mind (and body) to consider balance, a topic suggested earlier in the day by the yoga instructor at Irvington Wellness Center. Balance shown as weights on a fulcrum bar is easy enough for a grade school student to understand. And I think most of us in the yoga class catch the instructor’s comments about the relationship of the left and right sides of our body, the upper and lower parts, the shoulders and hips, the knees and feet.

In contrast, achieving a balance in life often escapes our understanding and even our awareness.

I perceive the attempted balance of copy and white space on a page. Most of us enjoy looking at the balance of a cairn. While snow birds go to Florida or Arizona for the winter, others of us depend upon winter to balance out summer.

Am I wrong in suggesting that the following issues offer balancing challenges to many people besides me?.

  • calorie intake —————- activity that burns calories
  • personal bank accounts  —————– our expenditures
  • wish for orderliness —————- lack of attention to details
  • public commitments —————– a need for private time

Balance in photography offers an interesting challenge. While I don’t remember specific details, I suppose that balance helped determine how I aimed the camera in both of the shots below.




I am aware of particulars that are not in balance in my life.  This is a good time to address imbalances.  As for walking, there is surely much to be said for good posture but I’m not beyond “stand tall, shoulders down, chin up.” The curriculum is probably more complex than I now realize.

Mileage year to date: 323.5


Walking (29)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hills and Dales Park in Dayton, Ohio offered me its trails yesterday. This lovely place showed why a municipality’s priority for public spaces is rewarded again and again.

A pond with Japanese irises


A tree stump by the trail


Vine clef


Water fall


I took several photos of spring muck — glorious in color and texture, but was too slow to snap the woodchuck that scurried atop a fallen log.

Plants and people

Saturday, May 13, 2017

I took BlueIndy (the city-wide electric car rentals) to Illinois Street, then walked the towpath to IMA (two miles).


I came upon a duck and ducklings headed for Boston.


No, we give at church.


The threat was no more than a loud hiss.


Going up — brown, green, red, then blue, right?


At the door of the IMA greenhouse, the Agapanthes (African lily) welcomed.


The greenhouse was already abuzz.


Little wonder that many people, when stepping into the greenhouse, gasp in delight.


And so many friendly visitors.


During my three hours there, I can’t tell which are more interesting, the plants or the people.


Today again, people represented many different countries, this one from the Philippines.


A grandpa gave one of his cameras to his grandson for the day.


Seniors, juniors, freshmen and even infants.


I asked this visitor whether I could take her picture. She answered, “But is my hair OK?”


The visitors find the row of orchids with an aroma. Not all orchids (there are more than 40,000 different kinds of orchids) offer aroma.


Ian, the true master of the garden, answers questions from two visitors.


Although the camera sees their backs, I like this photo very much.


Thanks to the nice day, the beer garden was busy.


And so was the campus.


Today’s blue ribbon goes to this orchid.
